MĀORI  130

Te Ao Māori: The Māori World

Please note: this is archived course information from 2024 for MAORI 130.


MAORI 130 is an introduction to the Maori world: it is taught in the English language using some Maori language terms that you will get to learn during the course. It is suitable for students from a range of disciplines and backgrounds, from absolute beginners to those with extensive knowledge of Maori language and culture.

This course will present a specifically Maori view of how we see our world, our culture and our experiences. It will give Maori insights into topics that are often discussed and sometimes controversial, and that continue to shape contemporary life in New Zealand. 

These include aspects of world-view and cosmology, the arrival of our Maori ancestors, the structure and nature of Maori society, leadership, the arrival of Europeans, the 1835 He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni and the 1840 Tiriti o Waitangi, the impact of British settlement and colonisation on Maori society, racism, the Land Wars, the struggle for Maori rights to the present day, the Waitangi Tribunal and the settlement of treaty claims, activism, the media, health, the United Nations and indigenous rights and constitutional transformation.

For full course information see the Digital Course Outline.

Digital Course Outlines are refreshed in November for the following year. Digital Course Outlines for courses to be offered for the first time may be published slightly later.


Availability 2024

Summer School, repeated Semester 2


Coordinator(s) Dr Tiopira McDowell

Recommended Reading

Mutu, Margaret. (2011). The State of Māori Rights. Wellington: Huia.

Walker, Ranginui (2004). Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou – Struggle Without End (Rev. ed.). Auckland: Penguin Books.


Coursework + exam


MAORI 130: 15 points