Nazi Germany and its Legacies

Please note: this is archived course information from 2024 for HISTORY 317.


An in-depth look into a period of history and the legacy of a period in time that has simultaneously fascinated and horrified generations of people around the world.

Topics include: the origins of Nazism, Adolf Hitler and the rise of the NSDAP, life in Nazi Germany in peace and war, Hitler's foreign policy, the Second World War, the Holocaust and its myriad legacies in history and popular culture.


HISTORY 217 is available both as an in-class course and as an online option. Both versions of the course have exactly the same content and assessment requirements. In-class students will discuss weekly readings in a lectorial setting, online students will discuss the weekly readings in an online discussion forum.


HISTORY 317 is available both as an in-class course and as an online option. Both versions of the course have exactly the same content and assessment requirements. In-class students will discuss weekly readings in a seminar setting, online students will discuss the weekly readings in an online discussion forum.


Coursework only

For full course information see the Digital Course Outline.

Digital Course Outlines are refreshed in November for the following year. Digital Course Outlines for courses to be offered for the first time may be published slightly later.



Availability 2024

Not offered in 2024; planned for 2025


Lecturer(s) Professor Maartje Abbenhuis
Dr Nicole Perry


A prescribed reading list will be made available through Talis/Canvas in advance of the course starting.


HISTORY 317: 15 points


15 points at Stage II and 60 points passed
