The Renaissance: Art and the City


An investigation of the social and cultural history of urbanisation 1400-1600 as expressed in painting, sculpture and architecture. The areas of study will involve looking at art in the spheres of public buildings, religious institutions and private houses. The cities to be covered may include Florence, Bruges, Venice, Antwerp and Rome.

Availability 2024


Coordinator(s) Associate Professor Erin Griffey

Recommended Reading

J. Paoletti & G. Radke, Art in Renaissance Italy (New York, 2002)

M.Girouard, Cities and People: A Social and Architectural Study (London,1985)

P. Burke, Venice and Amsterdam (Cambridge,1994)

E. Welch,  Art and Society in Italy, 1350-1500 (Oxford, 1997)

R. Turner, Renaissance Florence (New York, 1997)

M. Westermann, The Art of the Dutch Republic, 1585-1718 (London, 2005)


Coursework + exam


ARTHIST 107: 15 points