Art History 113 - Art Matters

Page 16 of 17


10. Representational qualities: Interaction


Which words best describe these three sculptures? Drag the appropriate terms from the list in the centre to the box below each image. The boxes won't accept your solutions if they are incorrect! Once you have finished the interaction move on to page 17.

below Kouros from the Sanctuary of Poseidon in Sounion, marble, 615-590 B.C.. National Museum, Athens.

below Diadoumenos of Polykleitos, marble, c. 430 B.C.. National Museum Athens. (A Roman copy of the ancient Greek sculpture.)

below Auguste Rodin, She was the helmetmaker's beautiful wife, bronze, 1888. Musee Rodin, Paris.

Two of these sculptures could be considered naturalistic - which two?