Courses in Theological and Religious Studies

Bachelor of Arts - BA

Art History
Course Title Available in 2024
ARTHIST 324 Power and Piety: the Baroque Semester 2
Course Title Available in 2024
HISTORY 339 Medieval Cultures: Faith, Power, Identities Semester 2
Course Title Available in 2024
JAPANESE 308 Religion in Modern Japanese Society Summer School
Course Title Available in 2024
MĀORI  320 Matauranga: Māori Knowledge Semester 2
Course Title Available in 2024
PHIL 327 Philosophy and Religion Semester 1
Theological and Religious Studies
Course Title Available in 2024
THEOREL 302 A History of the Apocalypse Semester 2
THEOREL 308 Special Topic: Judaism: Identity and Practice Semester 2
THEOREL 309 Directed Study 1 Semester 1, repeated Semester 2
THEOREL 310 Directed Study 2 Semester 1, repeated Semester 2
THEOREL 313 Special Topic Semester 1, repeated Semester 2
THEOREL 314 Special Topic: Semester 1, repeated Semester 2
THEOREL 321 Comparative Religion and Society Semester 1
THEOREL 322 Religion, Climate Change and Justice Semester 2
THEOREL 323 How People Became Things: Christianity, Colonisation and Race Semester 1


Bachelor of Arts - BA

Theological and Religious Studies
Course Title Not taught 2024
THEOREL 300 A Major Religious Thinker Not taught in 2024
THEOREL 301 Religious Texts of Terror Not taught in 2024
THEOREL 306 Religion in Film and Television Not taught in 2024
THEOREL 316 Early Christianity Not offered in 2024; planned for 2025
THEOREL 318 Religion, Trauma and Suffering Not taught in 2024
THEOREL 319 Theory and Method in Religious Studies Not taught in 2024
THEOREL 320 Religion in New Zealand Not offered in 2024; planned for 2025
Classical Studies and Ancient History
Course Title Not taught 2024
ANCIENT 352 Egyptian Religion Not offered in 2024; planned for 2025
ANCIENT 355 The Later Roman Empire Not offered in 2024; planned for 2025
Course Title Not taught 2024
ANTHRO 319 World-view and Religion Not taught in 2024
Art History
Course Title Not taught 2024
ARTHIST 303 Art and Devotion in Northern Europe Not taught in 2024
ARTHIST 325 Imaging the Renaissance Not taught in 2024
Course Title Not taught 2024
HISTORY 356 Body and Blood: Religious Cultures and Conflicts c.50-1650 Not offered in 2024; planned for 2025
Course Title Not taught 2024
PHIL 302 Medieval Philosophy Not offered in 2024; planned for 2025