Faculty of Arts


Mandatory Text: 

A writing textbook. Choose a recent edition of one of the following books:
Kirszner & Mandell. 2007. The Wadsworth Handbook. 8th edition. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace.  
ORKirszner & Mandell. 2005. Pocket Wadsworth Handbook. 3rd edition. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace.  
ORHodges, Horner, Webb, & Miller. 2006. Hodges' Harbrace Handbook. 16th edition. Thompson Learning

ENGWRIT101 Course Website:


Use this for most course related materials, including lecture powerpoints,  assignments, tutorials, examples of academic writing and other resources.  


Cecil: Recorded lectures are available through Cecil - Knowledge Map, 1 to 2 weeks after the lecture.
Lecture ppts are also available under Cecil - Resources and on this course website.

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