Faculty of Arts
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- Tutorial 6
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- Tutorial 8
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- Quotes & Paraphrases
- Plagiarism
- Bibliography
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- Tutorial 9
- Different Types of Writing
- References
- Arguments
- Tutorial 10
- Definitions
- Tutorial 11
- Tutorial 12
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- Critiques
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- Case Studies
- Tables II
- Review
- The Princess and the Dragon
Plagiarism: "presenting the words or thoughts of others as if they were your own." (Heffernan, 535)
1. Reasons for using Secondary Sources
• idea generation
• support (examples, definitions, main points)
• situate self in literature
2. Plagiarism
a. defining b. types c. case studies
3. Ways of Avoiding Plagiarism
• write the source of the quote first
• if you forget, be honest
• when making notes, use quotation marks
• circle the beginning and end of quotation marks
• avoid extensive quoting
• Paraphrasing: improve on original,
care in note taking: " "
paraphrase and quote together
summarise instead
4. Test Cases
Example 1: Original Text
Although IVF is becoming increasingly popular, there is still considerable opposition to it. Some people object to IVF because they feel that it is unnatural. Others object to it on religious grounds, saying that IVF, like contraception, separates baby-making from love-making and that this is against God's will. Another common objection focusses on the practice of removing and fertilising more than one egg to increase the chances of a pregnancy; the surplus embryos are generally frozen for later use or destroyed, and objectors see this in the same light as they see abortion. It is my opinion that none of these objections gives strong enough grounds to oppose the continuation of IVF.
The increasingly common practice of IVF is opposed for various reasons. Some find it unnatural, some have religious objections, and some oppose the practice of removing and fertilizing more than one egg to increase the chances of pregnancy. Destroying surplus embryos is seen as similar to abortion, but Shaw does not accept these reasons.
Example 2:
Celestial navigation was complemented by knowing how to read nature, these techniques were called signposts of nature. Some of these were trade winds, influence of swell, land cloud, interruptions in the swell caused by land, changes in the colour of the ocean, seaweed, driftwood, and species of fish found close to land e.g. dolphins, water temperature, even the smell of the land could be used. The voyages were carried out at favourable times during the year before the Cyclone season.
Irwin Geoffrey (1992) The Prehistoric Exploration and Colonisation of the Pacific
Cambridge University Press, Australia.
Lewis David (1972) We, the Navigators Canberra: Australian National University
Walker, Ranganui (1992) Penguin Books, Auckland New Zealand.
Example 3:
For example, the FBI said in its Uniform Crime Reports that the crime of drunkenness represents more than 40% of all arrests and is the largest single crime in the US. In Massachusetts, 30% of all admissions to sanatoriums and mental hospitals can be linked to alcohol abuse. Similarly, alcohol plays a part in filling divorce courts and chronic disease institutions, creating public welfare recipients and dysfunctional families (Alcoholism and Society).
(No Bibliography).
* Have you ever plagiarised inadvertently? If so, how could it have been avoided?