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- Introduction
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- Assignment 2
- Paragraphs
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- Tutorial 2
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- Assignment 3
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- Previous Assignments
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- Organising Essays
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- Tutorial 6
- Summaries
- Tutorial 8
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- Tutorial 9
- Different Types of Writing
- References
- Arguments
- Tutorial 10
- Definitions
- Tutorial 11
- Tutorial 12
- Comparison & Contrast
- Critiques
- Reports
- Tables & Graphs
- Writing for Examinations
- Narratives
- Case Studies
- Tables II
- Review
- The Princess and the Dragon
Topic: Write a paragraph explaining the benefits of peer review in writing (125-150 words)
Assignment 1 distributed: Week 2
Peer review of Assignment 1: Week 3 tutorial August 3-6. Bring your draft paragraph and your blank peer review form (see Student Reader Report on back) to tutorial.
Due Date: Friday, August 7, 4pm.
Submit at Level 8, Fisher Bldg, Waterloo Quadrant. Include blue cover sheet (available on Level 8), first draft, completed Student Reader Report, final draft with “Final Draft” written on it, and a word count.
A complete draft of your paragraph must be read and commented on by another student (peer reviewer) before you begin your final draft. Writing and receiving Student Reader Reports is an ESSENTIAL part of work for this course. Your draft and a completed Student Reader Report form about that draft are a part of your assignment and must be submitted for marking with the assignment. Failure to submit the draft and report will result in loss of marks.
All assignments in ENGWRIT101 must be typed.
Consider the points raised in the peer review, and these questions to write a successful paragraph: Is your paragraph on topic, well balanced, and well explained?
For this assignment, you will be given an overall ‘impressionistic’ grade based on the tutor’s assessment of the success of the paragraph.
Does your paragraph present worthwhile and interesting material?
Do you have an effective, well-positioned topic sentence?
Do all the supporting sentences develop the topic?
Have you cut any repetitive or unnecessary ideas?
Do you have smooth transitions between ideas?
Does your paragraph end or round off well?
Is the tone appropriate for academic writing?
Are your sentences grammatically correct, well punctuated, with NO errors?