Faculty of Arts


Accessing online resources

From the University of Auckland Library
The Library LEARN homepage is the default library computer homepage. Logon to NetAccount with your NetID and password to "Connect" to the actual databases. For more information about NetAccount see http://www2.auckland.ac.nz/lbr/netaccpolicy.htm (There is a link to this from the Library LEARN homepage under "NteAccount Info".)

From computer labs around the University
Find the LEARN homepage and logon to NetAccount as above.

From home
See notes on LEARN at http://www2.auckland.ac.nz/lbr/netaccpolicy.htm#home1 (There is a link to these notes from the Library LEARN homepage under "I would like to...Access electronic resources from home") For further instructions link from this page to the "Working from home" page. You will need to download the NetAccount software from this page and configure your browser as directed.
N.B. Some installations of Internet Explorer 5.0 and 5.5 are incompatible with NetAccount and you will have to download Netscape as your browser instead.

Searching Voyager for Books

Search Voyager (the University of Auckland Library online catalogue) for books.
Useful subject headings: Aged automobile drivers, Traffic safety--New Zealand, Traffic accidents--New Zealand, Automobile drivers--Tests, Automobile drivers--Medical examination, Aged.
See the Voyager Help pages for more information.

Finding journals on Voyager
Use the Serial title search. All print and electronic journals available to University of Auckland students are listed on Voyager. There are direct links to electronic journals.

Course Material Search
Eleven books are listed for ENGWRIT 101 - Go to Voyager - Search Voyager - Course Material Search - Look for ENGWRIT 101 under Course (Drop-down menu)

Finding newspaper and journal articles

From the University of Auckland Library homepage (the LEARN homepage) http://www2.auckland.ac.nz/lbr/
Find the databases listed below in alphabetical order under "Databases"

Index New Zealand
Indexes and abstracts for articles in New Zealand scholarly journals, longer articles in NZ newspapers (more than half a page) and NZ popular magazines. The search software is the same as Voyager. Select the "Builder" search. Search for "research" in the "Target audience" field to restrict your search to academic level material.
Useful subject headings are: Road safety, Aged, Driving, Safety
Keyword search: aged [in the Subject field] AND (safety or driv?) AND research [in the Target audience field]

Fulltext articles from Independent News Ltd (INL), NZ Herald and business and industry magazines.
Subject headings: Most articles don't have subject headings (topics). You are searching the full text of the articles by default. Use Edit - Find in page to search for "elderly"
Keyword search: elderly (driving or driver*) licen*

Expanded Academic
About one third of the articles referenced are fulltext. Covers all subjects and both academic journals (refereed publications) and popular magazines.
Subject headings: Aged automobile drivers. Aged Automobile Drivers - Health Aspects. Traffic accidents. Traffic Accidents - Causes of
N.B. Use Advanced Search. The Gerontologist is fulltext at AU from 1992, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1996-, Geriatrics 1993-,

Academic database. Some fulltext material.
Subject headings: Automobile driver examination
Limit search by age-group to 65+ and 80+ Limit to Fulltext arrticles. One excellent article compares Finland and Sweden which have similar populations but different legislation.

Searching the Web There are a lot of statistics and reports on accident rates for elderly drivers on the web. Only a few relate to New Zealand.

  1. Using a search engine.
    See the list of search engines on the Internet Gateway page. From the LEARN home page.
    Google (http://www.google.com/) is the best search engine.

  2. Using a Subject directory
    Te Puna Web Directory (http://tepuna.natlib.govt.nz/web_directory/)
    There is a link to this New Zealand subject directory under "Subject Directories" from the Internet Gateway page. Click on "Search the Te Puna Web Directory" and enter the name of the New Zealand government agency or society you want to find.

Some links to websites:
  1. LTSA "Travel Survey Highlights" "Risks by age and gender" section includes statistics for "risks of drivers' injury crash involvement" "by age group and gender"
    LTSA Licence Renewal for Older Drivers factsheet. Find-in-page "exemption"
    "New regime for older drivers"
    For other useful pages search the LTSA website.

  2. Road accident statistics for New Zealand

John Laurie, Applied Language Studies and Linguistics Subject Librarian, January 2002
Email j.laurie@auckland.ac.nz Ph. 3737599 x 5773

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