Faculty of Arts

Completed Example


Reflective Comments: what needs to be done, what you like/don't like

Generating Ideas Stage
  • How am I going to answer the question?
  • What aspect of the topic am I going to cover? I thought at first I would focus on 'using the computer' and on 'pausing' and on 'taping my paper' but then I realised that I tend to write a lot, so I decided to only focus on one or two of the strategies
  • What can I write about these strategies? I had two ideas about what I wanted to write and how I was going to do it...The first way was to..., the second was to...I decided to go with the second because...
First Draft Stages 1st draft... focus on the topic sentence...the ordering of ideas...the structuring of ideas
I wanted a topic sentence that was vivid yet to the poin...I started with ' ', but then thought about ' ' because the main point was very transparent in this sentence, but less so in the other... I decided to present three ideas ordered from most important to least important. I like this arrangement... It may also work for another assignment I am working on.
Second Draft Stages Revising & Editing. Topic sentence - is it effective?/links between sentences (what are my strengths/weaknesses)?
I think my topic sentence is great! I'm really satisfied with it... But the second sentence could be improved.. .It does the job, but it is not very interesting.
Peer Review Process What am I going to do with the suggestions?...Are they focussing on revision/editing/proofreading ?
My peer reviewer made an excellent suggestion about sentence 2. However, I don't think I need to reorganise my paragraph the way she suggested...I think the basic problem is sentence 4...I think I will have another go at this sentence.
Final Draft Stage What else needs to be done?...am I happy with everything?...where do I think I could improve?...what did I do to try to improve it (friends?)
It is well-organised, well-structured, reasonably well-written...I've given it my best. My main problem still is the emphasis in my second sentence I still feel it could be improved but I am not sure how...I used ' ' in my second draft, and I am not sure if I should have stuck with it or not...
Could the marker provide feedback on this sentence for me? I think I use sentences like this a lot. My main accomplishment is my topic sentence...It states the topic and does so in an interesting way.
Your final comment on your work and the writing process Your final comment on your work and the writing process
I think I spent too much time on organising my ideas. This assignment made me realise that I tend to use short sentences. Perhaps more than I should

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