Faculty of Arts

Tables II

Tables, Illustrations & Appendices

  1. Tables
    organisation and format
    writing about tables
    the need for consistency
    comparing tables

  2. Illustrations
    types of illustrations
    format of illustrations

  3. Appendices format content

Table 1: Possessive Pronouns
singular 1 - DET AUT
my mine
2 - your yours
3 masculine his his
feminine her hers
neuter its (its)
plural 1 - our ours
2 - your yours
3 - their theirs

Source: Bache, C._Davidson_Nielson, N. (1997) Mastering English Grammar P 413

Purpose of Tables

  1. organise the data

  2. provide the reader with information quickly

Organisation of Tables

  1. Main Point

  2. Supporting Details

  3. Well-Organised

Format of Tables

  1. numbered consecutively

  2. given a title

  3. footnotes at the bottom

  4. source noted

  5. one side only

Describing Tables

  1. adjacent

  2. explicit mention

  3. basis for data

  4. unusual features

Description of Tables

Amount of details
  1. not equal weight

  2. summarise

  3. mention in passing

  4. ignore entirely

TABLE 1. Significant Differences in Perceptions Between Harness Event Participants and No - Participants

Question # Group 1 Group 2 Significant
1 3.94 3.59 Yes
2 4.02 3.65 Yes
3 4.02 3.72 Yes
4 4.06 3.78 Yes
5 4.14 4.06 No
6 3.57 3.26 Yes
7 3.29 3.13 No
8 4.64 4.37 Yes
9 4.64 4.30 Yes
10 4.61 4.28 Yes
11 4.35 4.06 Yes

'I looked for an alpha level of 0.5 or lower to tell whether or not there was a significant difference in the perceptions of the two groups. In nine out of eleven questions there was a significant difference between the perception of the two groups. Those who participated in the harness events expressed more satisfaction with the program overall....'
(Frings 411).

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