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Faculty of Arts
- Cook Islands Maori
- What is a Pakeha?
- Maori 1 2007
- Maori 2 2007
- Pacific Englishes
- Dutch
- Pasifika Communities 1
- NZ Europeans
- Census Wk 2.1
- Dutch
- Chinese
- Introduction
- Identity Lecture 1
- Language & Maintenance Shift
- Identity
- Census Wk 2.2
- Japanese
- Greek
- Language & Identity
- NZ Populations
- Course Outline
- NZ Europeans and NZE
- Tongan Community
- Lecture Topics
- NZ English
- NZ Greek Community
- Korean
- English Language & identity
- Maori Identity
- Pasifika Communities
- Europeans
- Links
- Korean II
- Niuean Community
- References
- Pakeha
- Assessment
- Maori Identity
- Readings
- Exam Preparation
- Asian Communities
- Globalisation
- NZ Regional Variation
- NZ Sign Language
Bluck, John. 1989. Pakehatanga. Dunedin. Theological Hall. NZPac 301.451095 B65
Coulmas, Florian. ed., 1997. Handbook of Sociolinguistics. 401.9 C852.
Edwards, John R. 1985. Language, society, and identity. New York: Oxford. Gen Lib 401.9 E26
Edwards, John, R. 1995. Multilingualism. London: Penguin. Gen Lib 306.446 E26
Hirsh, Walter (ed), 1987, Living Languages: Bilingualism and community languages in New Zealand. Auckland: Heinemann.
Holmes, Janet 1996. Community language research in New Zealand. Reflections on methodology . New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics 2: 1-32.
Holmes, Janet 1997. Keeping Tabs on language shift in New Zealand: Some Methodological considerations. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 18(1): 17-29.
Holmes, Janet & Allan Bell. 1991. New Zealand. In Jenny Cheshire (ed), English around the World: Sociolinguistic perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Holmes, Janet & Ray Harlow ed, 1991 Threads in the New Zealand tapestry of language. Auckland. Linguistics Society of New Zealand.
King, Michael. 1999. Being Pakeha now: reflections and recollections of a white native. Auckland: Penguin. NZPac 995 K53Y 1999
McGregor, Graham, Mark Williams and Ray Harlow (1991). Dirty silence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rangihau, John Te Tangi-Aniwaniwa & Michael King. Being Maori. Philson Library Desk Copy Comm Health 47
References for Language & Identity
Bedford, Richard D, Elsie Ho, & Jacqueline Lidgard. 2000. International migration in New Zealand: context, components and policy issues. Hamilton: NZ Population Studies Centre. (NZPac 304.82 B4li)