Faculty of Arts

Tongan Community

NZ Wellington Community  Anahina Aipolo Immigrated since 1964-

Aim: To describe language proficiency and language use patterns of the Tongan community in Wellington, as well as examining the prospects for Tongan language maintenance in New Zealand

100 Tongans
    49 males/51 females
     Demographic information
     Language proficiency
     Language usE


96% born in Tongan

Most had lived in Wellington for less than 10 years

¾ were aged between 20-40



98% highly proficient in informal Tongan
56% fluent in formal Tongan
English proficiency related to length of time in NZ, level of education

Language Use

Inner or expressive speech functions

Language Attitudes

Tongan important for expressive and utilitarian purposes
Knowledge of Tongan taken for granted

Can Tongan be Maintained?

1st generation have a high linguistic ability in Tongan
Tongan used actively in many domains
Attitudes are generally positive
Resources available
Tongans live in close proximity
Contact with the homeland

Language of Manukau Project -20 years later

97% speak Tongan
76% state that they understand everything in Tongan, 66% state they they can talk about anything in Tongan
English proficiency weaker
       16% state that they understand everything in English, and 20% state that they can talk about anything in English

Language Use in Manukau

Tongan is used in all personal functions (different list)
Tongan spoken at home, in church, in public domains
Tongan used to grandparents
Tongan preferred language to spouses (71%)

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