Faculty of Arts

Census Wk 2.1

Language & Identity -Summary

Our language is influenced by individuals we interact with (groups)
There are different types of groups
     Social groups, peer groups, school groups etc.
     We belong to many different groups
     Groups are defined by content (common dress, looks, behaviour, attitudes)
     Content is based on objective & subjective criteria
     Content changes over time
     Language is part of the content that defines group behaviour

Language & Identities   The Census

What does the census have to say about ethnic and linguistic diversity in New Zealand?

Basic Facts

•Counts all people present in a given area on a certain date
•Does not count NZ residents overseas
•Counts overseas visitors in New Zealand (in Resident Population Count but not Estimated Resident Population)
•Held every five years (eg 1991, 1996, 2001)
•Provides a ‘snapshot’ of New Zealand Society at a certain point in time
•Measures trends  from one point in time to next (eg 1996-2001)
•Provides information on:
     •number of people who live in New Zealand and where
     •their age, sex, education, ethnic groups, birthplace, language, employment
     •other information:
     •dwelling types, emigration/immigration etc

NZ Population    3,792,654

Auckland 1,079,304
Wellington 340,719
Christchurch 340,053
Hamilton 165,576
Napier-Hastings 116,292
Dunedin 109,563


Other information

Visitors 1,884,480
Returning NZ Residents 1,308,490
Permanent & long-term immigrants 69,490
Visitors 1,884,480

Ethnic Group Identification

Question: Which ethnic group(s) do you identify with?

Based on identity not ancestry (eg Maori)

Some people identify with more than one ethnic group (primary/prioritised)

The sum of the ethnic group populations exceeds the total resident population

Ethnic Groups (Total Response)

European/Pakeha 79.6%
New Zealand Maori 14.5%
Pacific Islands 5.6%
Chinese 2.2%
Indian  1.2%
Source: Quick Facts –People (NZ Census 2001)

Language & Birthplace 2001

German 33,981 Germany: 14, 346
Switzerld: 4,389
Austria: 1,611
Luxemburg: 42
Dutch 26,280 Luxembourg: 42
Netherlands: 25,389
Hindi 22,749 India: 21, 513
Korean 15,873 S Korea: 19,089
N Korea: 15
French 49,722 France: 2,448
Fr. Polynesia 825
N. Caledonia 219
Samoan 81,033 Samoa: 47,445

How reliable?

Total Responses?
Primary Responses?
Prioritised Responses?

Language Question
Tick as many circles as you need to answer this question

In which language(s) could you hold a conversation about a lot of everyday things?

English ____

Maori ____

Samoan ____

NZ Sign Language ____

other languages (s) ____

name the languages ____________________


none (for example too young to talk) __

Problems with the Census

No assessment of R, W or L
Individual and cultural interpretations
Question format

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