Faculty of Arts

Language & Maintenance Shift

General References

  • Hirsh, Walter (ed), (1987), Living Languages: Bilingualism and Community Languages in New Zealand. Auckland: Heinemann.
  • Holmes, Janet and Allan Bell. (1991). New Zealand. In J. Cheshire (ed), English around the World: Sociolinguistic perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Holmes, Janet (1997). Keeping Tabs on language shift in New Zealand: Some Methodological considerations. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 18(1): 17-29.
  • Holmes, Janet (1996). Community language research in New Zealand. Reflections on Methodology NZSAL 2: 1-32.
  • Holmes, Janet and Ray Harlow (ed), (1991). Threads in the New Zealand Tapestry of Language. Auckland. Linguistics Society of New Zealand.
  • McGregor, Graham, Mark Williams and Ray Harlow (1991). Dirty Silence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Starks, D. (1997) Community languages and research methodology in New Zealand: The issue of social networks. NZSAL 3:46-61.
  • Starks, D. (1998) Monolingual speakers of New Zealand's languages. NZSAL 4: 71-76.

Maori References

  • Benton Richard A. (1978) Sociolinguistic survey of language use in Maori communities and households Wellington. N.Z. New Zealand Council for Educational Research. (NZCER)
  • Benton, Richard A. (1979) Maori language in the nineteen seventies. Wellington. N.Z. New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
  • Benton, Richard A. (1979a) Legal status of the Maori language: current reality and future prospects: a special report. Wellington. NZCER.
  • Benton, Richard A. (1979b) Policy implications for English-Maori bilingual education in New Zealand. Wellington. NZCER.
  • Benton, Richard A. (1983) NZCER Maori language survey: notes on the purposes and methodology of the sociolinguistic survey of language use in Maori households and communities. Wellington NZCER.
  • Benton R. (1984) Te rito o te korari: Maori language and New Zealand's national identity. Maori Unit NZCER. Wellington.
  • Benton R. (1985a) Place of the Maori language in the education system : statement to the Waitangi Tribunal in support of the claim of Nga Kaiwhakapumau i te Reo Waiwhetu Marae, 28 June. Wellington. Richard Benton.
  • Benton R. (1985b) Role of television in the survival of the Maori language : statement to the Waitangi Tribunal in support of the claim of Nga Kaiwhakapumau i te Reo Waiwhetu Marae, October 8th 1985. Maori Unit NZCER. Wellington. Richard Benton.
  • Benton, Richard A. (1991). The Maori Language: Dying or Reviving? Honolulu: East West Centre Association (reprinted 1997, NZCER: Wellington).
  • Biggs, Bruce (1981) "The Maori Language past and present ", in Eric Schwimmer, ed., The Maori People in the Nineteen-Sixties. Wellington: Blackwood & Janet Paul.
  • Boyce, Mary (1992) Maori Language in Porirua: a study of reported proficiency, patterns of use and attitudes. M.A. Thesis, Wellington: Victoria University.
  • Brell, Rawiri "The wellbeing of the language - what is the role of iwi Maori and what is the role of government?", in Proceedings of Hui Taumatua Reo Maori, Wellington: Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori.
  • Hohepa, Margie K. (1998). 'Hei Tautoko te reo': Maori language regeneration and whanau bookreading practises. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis (Education), University of Auckland.
  • Hunia, Fran (1995) Promoting Maori language in English medium classrooms through reading tasks. MA thesis. Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Karetu Timoti (1994) Maori language rights in New Zealand in Linguistic human rights : overcoming linguistic discrimination ed. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Robert Phillipson, in collaboration with Matt Ranut.
  • Love, Patricia. (1983) The maori language in New Zealand: a case study of language shift. Master of Arts: University of Hawai'i.
  • Ministry of Maori Development/ Te Puni Kokiri (with Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori and Statistics New Zealand) (1997). The National Maori Language Survey: Te Mahi Rangahau Reo Maori. Wellington.
  • Nicholson Rangi (1987) He hui wananga reo Maori : across on water : seeking answers Wellington N.Z. R. Nicholson.
  • Nicholson Rangi (1997) Marketing the Maori language. In Teaching Indigenous Languages. Report . Wellington N.Z.
  • Ohia, Monte. (1993) Bilingualism and bilingual education: their scope, advantages, disadvantages and their implications for Maori learners. Masters of Educational Administration. Massey.
  • Wilson, Deanne B. (1991) A study of spoken Maori in Awarus (Northland). MA thesis. University of Auckland.

Maori resources

  • Hohepa, Margie Kahukura. 1993. Preferred Pedagogies and language interactions in te kohanga reo. Research Unit for Maori Education. Monograph 13. University of Auckland.
  • Pere, Rangimarie Rose. 1982. Ako: Concepts and learning in Maori tradition. Monograph. Wellington. Te Kohango reo National Trust Board. [re 1994]
  • Reedy, T. M. 1990. Overview report for Kura Kaupapa Maori. Report 3.
  • Tangaere, Arapera Royal. 1997. Learning Maori Together: Kohanga reo and home. Wellington: NZ Council for Educational Research.

Pacific Island References

  • 'Aipolo, 'Anahina. (1989) Profile of language maintenance and shift within the Tongan speech community in Wellington, New Zealand. M.A. thesis. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington.
  • 'Aipolo, 'Anahina and Janet Holmes (1990) The Wellington Tongan community: prospects for language maintenance. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 1: 1-16.
  • 'Aipolo, Anahina and Janet Holmes (1990). The use of Tongan in New Zealand: prospects for language maintenance. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (6) 501-521.
  • Cook, Barbara Ellen. (1975). Na Kai kandavu: a study of bilingualism, acculturation and kinship in the Fiji Islands. PhD. Stanford.
  • Cook Islands Language Policy Report. (1997). Lincoln International. (availability??)
  • Davis, Karen. (1998) Cook Islands Maori language in Auckland and the Cook Islands: A study of reported proficiency, patterns of use and attitudes. M.A. thesis: University of Auckland.
  • Fairburn-Dunlop, Peggy. 1984. Factors associated with language maintenance: the Samoans in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 20 (2): 115-128.
  • Jamieson, Penny (1976) The acquisition of English as a second language by young Tokelau children living in New Zealand. PhD. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Jamieson, Penny. (1980). The pattern of urban language loss. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 16(2): 102-109.
  • Johri, Roopali. (1998). Struck in the middle or clued up on both? Language and identity among Korean, Dutch and Samoan immigrants in Dunedin. PhD dissertation. University of Otato.
  • Hampton, H.A. (1992). The reading behaviour of children at school for whom Samoan is the first language. MA Education. University of Auckland.
  • Holmes, Janet and 'Anahina 'Aipolo (1991). The Tongan language in Wellington: proficiency, use and attitudes. In Janet Holmes and Ray Harlow (eds), Threads in the New Zealand tapestry of language. New Zealand. Linguistic Society of New Zealand.
  • Holmes, Janet, Mary Roberts, Maria Verivaki and 'Anahina 'Aipolo. (1993). Language maintenance and shift in three New Zealand speech communities. Applied Linguistics 14(1):1-24.
  • Hoare, Richard. David. (1991) Samoan language maintenance within the Aukilani (Auckland) Niu Sila (New Zealand) community. MA thesis. Dunedin: University of Otago.
  • Lameta-Tufuga, Elaine Ufagafa. (1994) Using the Samoan language for academic learning tasks. MA thesis. Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Leota, Utaufao and Urima Setu. (1996). O le sa'iliga o le gagana fa'aaogaina i se vaega o nofoaga o tagata samoa: A language use survey in a Samoan speech community. TESOLANZ Journal 4:1-8.
  • Pilkington, Jane. (1990) Mixed marriages and language maintenance: some Samoan data. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 1:28-36.
  • Roberts, Mary (1999). Immigrant language maintenance and shift in the Gujarati, Dutch, and Samoan communities of Wellington. PhD dissertation. Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Silipa, Silipa. (1995) Bilingual and multilingual language development: the case of a child learning Tongan and Samoan simultaneously, plus some English. MA Education: University of Auckland.
  • Snow, David. (1974) Samoan language and culture. MA thesis. University of Chicago.
  • Taufe'ulungaki, Ana-Maui. (1993) Tongan language community attitudes and their implications for the strategies adopted for the continuing maintenance and promotion of the Tongan language. TESOLANZ Journal 1: 67-87.
  • Taufe'ulungaki, 'Ana Maui. (1988). Implications of language attitudes for language planning in Tonga. PhD University of Birmingham.
  • ?Utumapu, Tafili-Leahnora-Peseta. (1998). O le poutu: Women's Roles and Samoan language nests. PhD., University of Auckland.
  • Wesseling, Ralph. (1994) The effect of being bilingual, in English and Samoan, on reading acquisition. MA Education: University of Auckland.

European references

  • Folmer, J. (1992). Dutch immigrants in New Zealand: a case study of language shift and language loss. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 15(2):1-18
  • Hulsen, Madeleine.1996. Taalbehoud en etnolingu•stische vitaliteit. Een onderzoek bij drie generaties Nederlandse immigranten in Nieuw-Zeeland. MA Thesis. Katholic University of Nijmegen.
  • Kinder, John Joseph. (1987) Transference markers: verbal devices for marking transference in the speech of first generation Italian-English bilinguals in and around Turangi. PhD dissertation. Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Kroef, A P M (1977) The use of language in a three-generation group of Dutch immigrants in New Zealand. MA thesis. Auckland: University of Auckland.
  • Neazor, C. (1994) Language maintenance and shift in the Italian community in Wellington. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 6:83-104.
  • Plimmer, C (1994) Language maintenance and shift in the Italian community of Wellington. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 6:83-104.
  • Stoffel, H-P. (1981) Observations on the Serbo-Croatian language in New Zealand. New Zealand Slavonic Journal 1:53-64.
  • Stoffel, H-P (1982). Language maintenance and language shift of the Serbo-Croatian language in a New Zealand Dalmatian community., In Sussex-Roland (ed), The Slavic languages in Emigre communities. Carbondata: Linguistics Research Inc.
  • Stoffel, H-P. (1991) Dialect and standard language in a migrant situation: The case of New Zealand Croatian. New Zealand Slavonic Journal 153-170.
  • Stoffel, H-P. (1993) Slav migrant languages in the 'New World': Cases of Migranto-before-death? Australian Slavonic and East European Studies 7(1) 75-89.
  • Surus, S. 1985. The Polish language in Auckland, New Zealand: A study of liexical transfers and their integration in the speech of bilingual Polish migrants within a sociolinguistic frame of reference. PhD dissertation: Auckland: University of Auckland.
  • Verivaki, M. (1990). Language maintenance and shift in the Greek community of Wellington, New Zealand. MA thesis. Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Verivaki, M. (1991) Greek language maintenance and shift in the Greek community of Wellington. In J. Holmes and R. Harlow (eds), Threads in the Tapestry of Language, 71-116. Auckland: Linguistics Society of New Zealand.
  • Walker, U. (1995) Bilingualism in German-born immigrant children in New Zealand: A case study. MA thesis, Palmerston North: Massey University.
  • Walker, U. (1996) Social networks as code choice determinants in individual bilingualism: a case study of four German -background immigrant children. NZSAL 2:22-48.

Asian References (Asia, SE Asia)

  • Adlam, P. L. (1987) Language and identity: A sociolinguistic survey of the Indonesian speech community of Wellington, New Zealand. MA thesis. Welington: Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Daly, N. (1990) Sri Lankans and Sinhala language maintenance. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 1:17-27.
  • Nakanishi, N. (2000) Language maintenance and shift in the Japanese community of Auckland. A study of the interaction between the sojourners and the immigrants. MA thesis: Auckland: University of Auckland.
  • Roberts, M. (1991). The New Zealand Chinese community of Wellington: Aspects of language maintenance and shift. In J. Holmes & Ray Harlow (eds), Threads in the tapestry of languages, 31-70. Auckland. Linguistic Society of New Zealand.
  • Roberts, Mary L. (1990). Language maintenance and shift and issues of language maintenance education in a section of the Chinese community of Wellington, New Zealand. MA thesis. Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Shameem, N. (1995) Hamai log ke boli: Our language. Language shift in an immigrant community: the Wellington Indo-Fijians. PhD dissertation, Wellington. Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Shameem, N. (1996) The Wellington Indo-Fijians: Language shift among teenage new immigrants. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 15 (5) 399-418.
  • Smith, H.A. (1994) English language acquisition in the Lao refugee community of Wellington, New Zealand. MA thesis. Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Smith, H.A. (1996) English language acquisition in the Lao community of Wellington: Recommendations for refugee groups. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 6:200-215.
  • Smith, H.A. (1997) Ngeun dtem pha bo panya dtem phoung: Social network analysis and the acquisition of English in the Lao Refugee community of Wellington. NZSAL 3:31-45.
  • Starks, D and S-H Youn (1996) Language maintenance in the Auckland Korean community. Many Voices 12:8-11.
  • Xu. S.L. (1993) Cantonese-English code-mixing: A New Zealand case study. MA thesis. Wellington: Victoria University.

Ethnic Varieties of English

  • Harman, Anne. (1997) A study of Maori English with special reference to syllable timing. A comparison of the spoken language of a representative sample of Maori and Pakeha recorded in Christchurch. MA thesis. University of Canterbury.
  • Robertson, Shelley Amber. (1994) Identifying Maori English: a study of ethnic identification, attitudes and phonetic features. MA thesis. Wellington. Victoria University of Wellington.

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