Faculty of Arts

Exam Preparation

LINGUIST 205: REVIEW QUESTIONS  (To Replace Class of June 2nd)


Examination: 40 % of final grade

Answer THREE  questions  (select from one of four questions in each section).  Each answer should be between 250-300 words


Language & Identity                        20%

Linguistic Communities                     10%

Comparison (Case Studies)               10%


The following question sheet (together with the question sheet for the mid-term examination) are useful study guides for the examination.  


Availability: June 8th  10:30-12:30, or by email



1.         Why is language often considered a core feature of identity? In your answer describe some of the ways in which identity is reflected in language. Support your comments with material from your class readings and class notes.

2.  Language and identity are constantly changing.  Discuss, with particular relevance to New Zealand society.

3.       3.  Is New Zealand becoming a multilingual society? Discuss.

4.       4.  Language can have a utilitarian and a symbolic function. Describe the functions of languages in four New Zealand communities.

5.      5. Describe some of the ways in which  identity is reflected in language. Support your comments with material from your class readings and class notes.

Create three other questions based on issues related to language and identity and try to answer these.





6.         Why is New Zealand English distinct from other varieties of English? 

7.  Describe the extent of regional variation in New Zealand English.  In your answer, comment on why regional variation in New Zealand English is limited, why regional features are receding and what this can tell us about language and identity.

8.       8.  Is New Zealand English converging towards a world standard?  In your answer, discuss  the influence of Americanisms into New Zealand English.

9.      9.  What role does the Maori language play in New Zealand English?   And what does this have to do with New Zealand identity?

10.             Describe the key phonological features of New Zealand English.

11.  Why is New Zealand English distinct from other varieties of English? 

12.     12.  Does  ‘Maori Vernacular English’ really exist?  Explain why or why not.

13.     13.  Is New Zealand English converging towards a world standard?  In your answer, discuss the influence of Americanisms into New Zealand English.


Create three other similar questions on speech communities discussed in class.



Provide a description of language use in these (and other NZ) communities


(a)            New Zealand Deaf Community

(b)             New Zealand Maori Community

(c)            New Zealand Korean Community

(d)            New Zealand Chinese Communities

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